Saturday, 21 July 2012


Reminiscing the last 2 years,
At the end of a sojourn
Brings me to tears
That they end so soon
Loads of ups and loads of downs
I’ve seen them all, I’ve been through all
Yet I managed to keep my ground
And here I begin a tale easily found
1st sem was a learning time
A pinch of sugar but a lot of lime
My maiden hostel-life and the “dis”-orientation to begin
PDPs that popularize to lectures not so keen.
Subjects far from logic
And no pretty faces around
That’s what marked my 1st sem
that went without a sound.
2nd sem came in with a big bang
When all of us had formed our own gang
Everyday life had new things to preach
But for the teachers there was nothing but to teach
then came the 3rd when I got “exchanged”
it seemed that the world around me had changed
the places that were till now just a part of my dream
stood right in front of me like an icing of cream.
Summers went mostly at home
And Airtel was just a certificate dome
Stipend was nil and petrol price was great
but free food and phone calls did compensate
4th was when the seniority prevailed
Cricket blossomed and academics failed
Cribbing sophomores were indeed fun
And the bhasad that shot in lobbies was awesome
5th was when the priorities changed
From placements that haunted to STPs they ranged
15 companies came and went without me
16th was the one that heard my plea
And now it’s 6th, the final cram
And about my CGPA,
Huh! I don’t give a damn!
Alas! I sum it up for you
with my final adieus
that I will cherish these 2 years
absolutely without any blues.
I’ll miss the parties,
I’ll miss the nights
I’ll miss the DLP
And undoubtedly I’ll miss you guys!

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